A building’s metal surfaces, such as window frames or aluminum composite panels, can develop the same unsightly stains that glass and stone do. Detergents and other environmental grime collects on the frames contributing to a high concentration of contamination. Often, window frames have years of build up that needs to be removed; since window frames are usually not cleaned on a regular basis, as are windows. Some of the factors that contribute to metal staining are:
- Buildup of surfactants (soap scum) and oils from sticky window cleaning detergents that attract dust and dirt
- Use of high mineral content tap water during window cleaning
- Contact with high mineral content water through sprinkler systems
- Overspray from waterproofing and painting projects
- Leaching of deteriorating caulking or coatings
- Leaching of contaminates from adjacent rusting metals
- Leaching of failed UV-sensitive, water-repellant performance treatments
Why Most Metal Restoration Products and Methods Do Not Work
Some methods of metal staining resolution involve the use of abrasive techniques that scratch the metal and/or harsh acid products that leave burns on the metal and surrounding surfaces, creating a hazed look.
Another approach involves using acidic products that have hydrofluoric acid which can be harmful to both employees and structures since they are normally washed down the sides of the building, damaging glass and precast surfaces. With over a decade of research and development, Presto has developed environmentally-friendly methods and products that effectively remove stains and repair damage without leaving scratches or burns. The results are highly-polished and distortion-free metal.
Restore, Protect, and Maintain Metal surfaces require the same amount of attention and maintenance as glass surfaces. The majority of window frames on commercial, high-rise buildings are constructed of anodized aluminum or stainless steel. It is critical to select the right combination of products to maintain the exterior finishes of your building while protecting the environment. Presto has designed a line of Green Synergy products to work synergistically to restore, protect and maintain metal surfaces without environmental harm. Call us at 1-800-693-1228 for more info.