Stone Restoration Products




Imagine taking a shower and not using soap, or washing the dishes with oil instead of dishwashing detergent! This may alarm you as much as it does us when we see contractors using mediocre or incorrect products to perform building maintenance services. For example, many times pressure washing is performed on concrete without using chemical cleaners, and without the application of a sealer after the pressure washing is finished. 
Properly selected cleaners loosen many different types of soils that adhere to concrete similar to the way dishwashing detergent carries oil away from dirty pots and pans. De-greasers help to loosen oils and grease, bleaching agents work to remove mold and algae, acids work to remove stains such as rust and efflorescence. In conclusion, choosing the right product is essential to the overall outcome of the project. 

It’s important to choose the most suitable product for: 

  1. The stone material to be cleaned
  2. The stain that is to be removed. 

Many times the wrong product is selected due to the consideration of only one of these factors, and the desired results are not achieved. Presto has developed a product to tackle every stain commonly found on stone surfaces. 
Below are links to our suitability charts for cleaning many different types of stone materials and stains. These charts will guide you to the product best-suited for your specific cleaning need. When the correct products are used, stone is restored to a state similar to that of its original manufactured condition. When a test area is performed with our products versus our competitors’ products, it is visibly clear that Presto’s products provide the most impressive results on the market.